Domo Hockey Xtreme MDC

Domo® Hockey Xtreme MDC
Domo® Hockey Xtreme MDC also meets the FIH requirements like his Domo® Hockey Xtreme MDC Ultra-brother. They both ensure exceptional playing characteristics with only a limited difference in ball roll and a slightly various ball bounce. In addition, the Domo® Hockey Xtreme MDC can be seen as a more budget-friendly alternative that can also be used for multi-sports.

Playable at negative temparatures
Domo® Hockey Xtreme MDC is also playable at negative temparatures, so that training can continue in the winter season.

No sprinkling system
Domo® Hockey Xtreme MDC is installed without a sprinkling system.
FIH National certificate*
FIH Multisport certificate*
* Depending on the chosen specifications
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