Hockey water pitch with Aqua Saving System
The battle for the cup will be played on Domo® Ultimate Pro water-based pitch by Domo® Sports Grass. Did you know that with Domo® Ultimate Pro you can save up to 70% water compared to conventional water-based pitches? A conventional pitch requires a lot of irrigation before and during matches in order to play optimally. Domo® Ultimate Pro has a so-called Aqua Saving System with special PE/ASBF fibres. These retain the water much longer, resulting in a drastic reduction in water consumption.
Professional play with maximum agility
Every experienced professional knows that top hockey is the result of several factors: the players' talent, quality equipment, but also the playing surface. Domo® Ultimate Pro guarantees superior technical playing characteristics with extremely fast ball roll. It perfectly absorbs all player and ball movement and allows maximum comfortable manoeuvrability. In short: the ideal playing surface for the ION hockey finals.
The balance between environment and performance
Ecology has become a hot topic in recent years. In hockey, the debate is mainly about the use of water-based pitches. These still guarantee the best performance and comfort for the players. The disadvantages of water fields are the higher cost for clubs and excessive water consumption.

The top fields are still water fields. Now the evolution is more in the ecological sphere around water consumption. So pitches that consume less water like Domo® Ultimate Pro, for example, are needed.
Jean Willems
Business Line Director
Thanks to Domo® Ultimate Pro, Domo® Sports Grass has managed to strike the ideal balance between the environment and the players' technical performance. As artificial turf manufacturer and partner of the Belgian hockey federation, we are delighted to offer this pitch during the ION hockey finals 2023. We wish all the players good luck in the run to victory.
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